Webinar Invertebrates production techniques

Speaker Profile
Mirko De Girolamo
Since 2008, Mirko De Girolamo has been a research fellow at the IMAR- Instituto do Mar and the Institute for Research in Marine Sciences – OKEANOS where he performs research and co-coordination activities at the Experimental Aquaculture Laboratory (AquaLab). He has a PhD in Marine Sciences with a specialization in Marine Ecology from the University of the Azores. His main area of work is related to the development and diversification of aquaculture in the Azores region. In this context, he has published works on Megabalanus azoricus and Haliotis tuberculata coccinea, addressing issues related to the management of genetic resources, the development of hatchery techniques and the advancement of offshore aquaculture systems.
Diego Castejón
Graduated in Biology in the University of Murcia (Spain). M.Sc. in Management of the Biodiversity in Mediterranean Environments in the University of Murcia (Spain). Master’s Thesis focused on the variation of the body condition in freshwater fishes along the Segura River basin. Ph.D. in Biology realized in the University of Barcelona (Spain) and the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (Tarragona, Spain). Doctoral Dissertation focused on the larviculture of brachyuran crabs, as well as the description (anatomical and histological) of its digestive system during the development. Post-doctoral research realized in the Centro de Maricultura da Calheta (Madeira, Portugal) focused on the culture of patellid limpets. The ocean is a lively world full of amazing life histories. And many marine species still hold surprising stories waiting to be told. The ocean… it’s bigger on the inside.
Gercende Courtois de Vicose
Gercende Courtois de Viçose is an aquaculture researcher at the ULPGC. She holds a PhD in Biology, with 20 years of experience in aquaculture, marine biology and ecology focusing on molluscs, invertebrates as well as micro and macroalgae related themes. Her research areas encompass larval development and settlement, hatchery and nursery technologies, micro and macroalgae production, grow-out techniques and nutrition, as well as sustainable aquaculture techniques and Integrated Multitrophic aquaculture. She has extensive experience in writing grant proposal and in research project coordination and management participating in national and EU funded research projects. She is the author and co-author of peer-refereed scientific publications, and conference presentations and acts as a referee in various aquatic science journals as well as evaluator of scientific projects. She actively participates in the elaboration of actions and strategies for the development of European aquaculture.
Ricardo José
Ricardo José holds a degree in Biology (Uma, Madeira), a MSC in Sea Sciences and Marine Resources with a specialization in Aquaculture and Fisheries ( ICBAS-UP, Portugal). His interests are new species for Aquaculture diversification, larval development methodologies and techniques. He also has interest in dissemination of scientific work.
Eduardo Isidro
Eduardo Isidro is a fisheries biologist (PhD, University of Liverpool) and a Researcher at the University of the Azores, with a long experience in field and laboratory work. He has led several projects for the prospection, mapping, and evaluation of marine exploited species. He has also worked on several aspects of the biology of marine species: growth, reproduction and larval and juvenile development and dispersal.
He was Vice-President of the Institute of the Sea (IMAR), Chairman of the Department of Oceanography (DOP) Council Board, member of the DOP Management Board and responsible for the scientific management of research vessels of the Portuguese Autonomous Azorean Region for several years.
More recently, he has been leading a small aquaculture research group, which has set up an experimental laboratory for this area, the AquaLab, where applied research has been developed for the production of marine invertebrates of commercial interest.